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Egyptian Travel Award for African Researchers: RHD from Molecules to the Global Community Meeting

16 December 2016

The "Rheumatic Heart Disease from Molecules to the Global Community Meeting" is scheduled to take place in Cairo, Egypt from the 13th to 16th of January 2017. (Preliminary Programme)

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs via Egyptian Agency of Partnership and Development (EAPD) has graciously made available 20 travel grants to assist attendance of African Researchers in RHD (economy airfare and accommodation). These travel grants are available to those that submit an abstract that is accepted to the congress.

The grants will be fully actioned by the Cairo Congress Office (airfare and accommodation will be booked centrally and paid for so that recipients are not out of pocket).

PASCAR and Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation now urgently reach out to RHD collaborators to request your assistance to identify noteworthy research that can still be submitted and benefit from this opportunity. The conference organisers apologise for the short notice.

The submissions will be reviewed by Prof Magdi Yacoub or Prof Bongani Mayosi and grants awarded on a first come, first evaluated and awarded basis. This process will be followed until all the grants have been allocated. The last date for submissions for those requiring flights and visa is 22 December 2016.

Brief to authors:

  1. Limit submission to 2 x A4 pages (single space, font Arial, Size 11).
  2. Submit in English to and
  3. Follow the format below.

Abstract Items:

  1. Title (Clear Title, Concise, Precise, Reflect the content of the abstract)
  2. Authors name and affiliation (presenting author with *)
  3. Objective (Is the objective clearly defined? What is the interest of the study in African Context/milieu?)
  4. Subject and Methodology (Clearly described, is it suitable to attain objective of the study, Sample Size, Statistical analysis well adapted)
  5. Results (General characteristics of the study population described, describe the principal results, are these findings well presented?)
  6. Conclusion and Interpretation (Is it clearly formulated and precise?)

For further information:
The Rheumatic Heart Disease from Molecules to the Global Community Meeting | Preliminary Programme
Abstract submission & travel grant details