PASCAR and World Heart Federation announce Recipients of RHD Small Grants

The recipients of the PASCAR and World Heart Federation RHD Small Grants Programme were recently announced. The grants are intended to support proposals to foster a policy dialogue with policy makers in the Ministry of Health and related departments that will introduce them to the AU Communiqué and lead to government supported national programmes, policy and initiatives.
National Penicillin Chain Task Force to strengthen the National Programme - Dr Tangeni Auala
National Round Table to galvanize government and non-government organizations - Dr Fidelia Bode-Thomas
Workshop to encourage integration of training programmes with Ministry of Health in poor provinces - Prof Sulafa Ali
Hold a Satellite meeting at a medical conference with stakeholders including Minister of Health - Dr Thokozile Mashaah
Congratulations to the successful recipients, we look forward to further updates.
For further information:
PASCAR | WHF PASCAR RHD Small Grant Winner Announcement