United to End RHD: Side Event to the World Health Assembly

Ahead of government discussions at the 71st World Health Assembly on a Resolution on Rheumatic Fever (RF) and Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD), RHD Action and our partners will host an interactive side event – United to End RHD – from 6.15pm – 8.00pm on Wednesday 23rd May at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland.
This event – co-sponsored by the governments of New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and Namibia – will focus on the impact of a Resolution on RF and RHD on those who matter most: people living with RHD and frontline health workers delivering essential RHD services.
The event will be moderated by Natalie Africa (United Nations Foundation), and speakers at the event will include:
- People Living with RHD and Frontline Health Workers from around the world
- The Honourable Dr. David Clark, Minister of Health of New Zealand
- H.E. Bernard Haufiku, Minister of Health and Social Services, Republic of Namibia
- The Honourable Rosy Sofia Akbar, Minister for Health and Medical Services, Fiji
- Professor Brendan Murphy, Chief Medical Officer, Australia
- Representatives from the RHD Action Partners
If you are in Geneva for the week of the World Health Assembly, please register for this event here