WCC 2016 Official Scientific Programme | RHD Specific Content

Rheumatic heart disease features strongly through the meeting with almost 90 talks on offer for those interested in RHD. The first day begins with a “Focus on RHD”, with the first session representing implementation and innovation, drawing on the experiences of health systems advocates to refresh our perspective on programmatic development. Following this there is a session on new tools for the RHD community where several wonderful toolkits will be launched. Have your lunch while listening to exciting RHD abstracts and viewing some of the RHD posters. The afternoon of the first day focuses on advocacy and the patient-centred approach and ends with fascinating insights into the genetics of RHD. Although this is an entire stream dedicated to RHD, there is also a session on RHD in the Americas and a presentation on the ASAP programme for elimination and control of RHD in another session. A very busy first day!
On day 2, there are three more sessions on RHD with discussions around cost-effectiveness and the RHD roadmap launch in the afternoon. One particularly interesting session will be the “Dragons Den” on Monday morning. In the “Dragons Den” young researchers are encouraged to think outside the box and pitch a proposal to some fierce dragons – with the audience voting for grant money on (virtual) offer. Day 2 will also have talks on RHD transitions and perspectives from different countries.
On day 3 we have an interactive echo session where the leaders in the field of screening for rheumatic heart disease will deliver short talks interspersed with echoes, again with voting and comments from the audience. Delegates are encouraged to interact with the speakers of this session prior to Mexico and send in difficult echoes, new protocols, suggestions and comments. We will also use this session to build on a consensus statement around screening for asymptomatic rheumatic heart disease in developing countries. Please send in your questions/echoes or comments as soon as possible!
Throughout the conference, more than 100 posters on RHD will be on display and there will be opportunities for delegates to network with RHD colleagues in all disciplines. Please let us know if you have any particular questions or suggestions – we encourage participation and vigorous debate in this conference. The key opinion leaders in the RHD field will be present but we will also all be learning from those working in related disciplines.
WCC 2016 Official Scientific Programme | RHD Specific Content