Today at WCC | Monday 6th June

Today Monday the 6th of June presents a number of exciting sessions and presentations at the World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health.
Morning Sessions
Todays morning session with a focus on cardiovascular disease in adolescents and adults with a focus on GUCH and RHD, the session will look at research priorities for GUCH patients in Africa, the cost effectiveness of screening and looking at opportunities to leverage care from HIV for RHD. As well as these presentations there will be a presentation on the interim evaluation of the school-based sore throat management component of the New Zealand Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme.
Afternoon Sessions
One session that many delegates have been looking forward to is the “Dragons Den”. In the “Dragons Den” young researchers are encouraged to think outside the box and pitch a proposal to some fierce dragons – with the audience voting for grant money on (virtual) offer.
The final session of the afternoon is focused on RHD transitions and perspectives from different countries. These presentations include health systems barriers to RHD prevention and control, challenges at the tertiary clevel with a focus on Africa, a qualitative perspective on the importance of the patient cenred approach in RHD, pririties involving resiliant health systems and the role of the WHO. There will also be a presenation penicillin, priority intervantion, availability and affordability.
For more information:
RHD Specific Content | WCC Mexico City 2016
RF / RHD Posters | WCC Mexico City 2016