Travel Awards Available for African Researchers: PASCAR and Sudan Heart Society African Congress 2017

The Joint PASCAR and Sudan Heart Society Congress 2017 is scheduled to take place in Khartoum, Sudan from the 8 to 11th of October 2017. More information is available at the Sudan Heart Society website.
Sudan Heart Society has made available 10 Full travel grants (economy airfare, registration and accommodation) and 20 Half travel grants (accommodation and registration) to assist attendance of African Researchers in Cardiology. Submissions can be made here
These travel grants are available to those that submit an accepted abstract to the congress. The grants will be fully actioned from the Sudan Congress Office (airfare and accommodation will be booked centrally and paid for so that recipients are not out of pocket).
PASCAR and the Sudan Heart Society are reaching reach out to young African cardiovascular researchers (<36 years old, based at an African University, Training or Research Institute) to request that you urgently submit noteworthy research to the conference.
The submissions will be reviewed by a committee consisting of eminent cardiovascular researchers in all the fields of cardiology. Grants will be awarded on a first come first served, if accepted, basis. The last date for submission for those requiring flights and visas is 28 August 2017.
For further information:
Sudan Heart Society Travel Awards Available (PASCAR and Sudan Heart Society African Congress 2017) [PDF]
PASCAR | Joint PASCAR and Sudan Heart Society Congress 2017