- Australia
- English
- Clinician - community health worker
"Don't miss out on the things you love" If you have rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease, you need a penicillin needle every 21-28 days. Miss one needle and you could miss out on a whole lot more.
This support resource is to be used together with the SA Health Rheumatic Heart Disease Calendar.
The Rheumatic Heart Disease Calendar can also be used as a flip chart for educating your patients and their families about rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease and the importance of regular penicillin injections. This support resource will guide you through what to say to patients and their families. It outlines what each page of the calendar focuses on, and suggests topics to discuss for each month.
The calendar is designed to be interactive and encourage your patient and their family to think about why protecting their heart is important to them – what is it in life that they don’t want to miss out on? You can write these reasons on the last page and the patient can take the calendar home.
The other information you can write on the calendar is when they are due to finish their needles – this will usually be in the cardiology letter. If it’s not, you can confirm with us what the date should be.
The stickers are for use on the calendar. The yellow heart is to indicate when the next needle is due and the green sticker is to put on the calendar when they have had their needle. You can either ask the patient to put the stickers on themselves, or get them to bring the calendar back in to the clinic each time so you can do it together.
All the information in these notes is based on best practice guidelines as per the Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease
(2nd edition) 2012. For more information visit www.rhdaustralia.org.au.
Rheumatic heart disease calendar developed for people living with rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease by the SA Rheumatic Heart Disease Control Program
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