Diagnosis and treatment of GAS pharyngitis, RF and RHD requires contributions from all levels of the health service. Primary care clinicians and community health workers need to be able to treat sore throat, recognise ARF, deliver secondary prophylaxis and manage acute complications of RHD. In secondary and teritary settings clinicans need to access and intepret diagnosistic tests, delivery medical therapy and may need to access surgical services. This section provides a wide range of resources for clinical staff proving care for GAS pharyngitis, ARF and RHD at all stages of disease. In 2001 the World Health Organisation convened an expert panel to develop global guidelines for the management of RF and RHD. These guidelines provide a valuable foundation for care but do not incorporate modern refererences from the era of wide spread echochardiography. In the absence of contemporary global guidelines, this section refers to national level guidelines where possible. Clinicians in settings without national guidelines may chose to use resources from comparible settings or begin a process of adapating existing guidelines to local circumstance.
This section provides a wide range of resources for clinical staff proving care for GAS pharyngitis, ARF and RHD at all stages of disease. In 2001 the World Health Organisation convened an expert panel to develop global guidelines for the management of RF and RHD. These guidelines provide a valuable foundation for care but do not incorporate modern refererences from the era of wide spread echochardiography. In the absence of contemporary global guidelines, this section refers to national level guidelines where possible. Clinicians in settings without national guidelines may chose to use resources from comparible settings or begin a process of adapating existing guidelines to local circumstance.