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Penicillin research invitation

04 August 2015

Researchers from the Telethon Kids Institute in Perth are beginning work on a project to analyse the quality of benzathine penicillin G (BPG) samples from around the world.

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Launch of the END RHD CRE

04 August 2015

The launch of the END RHD CRE took place at the University of Sydney in May during the week of the RHD Australia Annual Conference, making the most of the opportunity to have the broader Australian

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Updates to the diagnostic Jones Criteria for rheumatic fever

04 August 2015

Diagnosis of RF is a high stakes decision – incorrect diagnosis may lead to years of unnecessary injections or a missed opportunity to prevent and protect against heart valve damage.

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END RHD CRE – Investigators and partners meeting | RHD Australia Annual Conference (Sydney)

04 August 2015

The aim of the NHMRC-funded Centre of Research Excellence in rheumatic heart disease is to develop targets for rheumatic heart disease control in Australia and a costed, stepwise strategy for achie

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RHDAA Visit | Uganda

04 August 2015

In June, the Global Partners of the RHD Action Alliance visited Uganda to learn more about the work being undertaken by the Country Partners.

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African Union Communiqué on Eradication of RHD in Africa

04 August 2015

The Summit of African Union Heads of State and Government (AU Summit) has recently adopted the

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RHD becomes notifiable in Western Australia

14 June 2015

Rheumatic fever has been notifiable in Western Australia since 2010. In June 2015 rheumatic heart disease also became legally notifiable.

Further information is available as follows:

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Nigeria: Heart Hope Club launched

17 April 2015

The Heart Hope Club; a support and advocacy group for people affected by children’s heart disease was launched in Jos, Nigeria in November 2014.

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RHD campaign in Darfur, Sudan

17 April 2015

The Ministry of Health in Darfur, with funding from the WHO Country office, has conducted a campaign to control RHD in Darfur.

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RHD register in Malaysia

17 April 2015

February Heartbeat story on the RHD register established in Sabah state at Queen Elisabeth II Hospital.

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