Launch of Second Edition of TIPs alongside World Health Assembly in Geneva

The second edition of Tools for Implementing RHD Control Programmes (TIPs) was launched in Geneva at the RHD Action side event to the World Health Assembly earlier this week. Event speakers highlighted the role of TIPs as a foundational resource to support delivery of high quality RHD programmes following the WHO resolution on RHD.
The second edition of TIPs represents the most comprehensive resource on RHD control in developing countries. Fully revised and updated from the 2014 first edition it provides a framework for designing and implementing RHD control programmes. New case studies illustrate best practice in and share lessons from RHD control around the world. Quotes and stories from people working in RHD around the world illustrate key messages. Each chapter opens with a ‘Things to consider’ section which highlights key decisions to be made in RHD control.
Intended for program managers and decision makers needing to make evidence-based programmatic decisions TIPs includes content on advocacy, fundraising, community engagement in addition to clinical service delivery. The resource articulates with the RHD Action Needs Assessment Tool published in 2017 to support program planning.
For more information:
Tools for Implementing RHD Control Programmes (TIPs) Handbook, 2nd Edition