RHD Action Launches 2018 Small Grants Programme

Following a successful first round of the RHD Action Small Grants Programme in 2017, RHD Action is pleased to launch the second round of our Small Grants Programme for 2018 with this request for proposal.
RHD Action was launched in September 2015 to amplify global efforts to control rheumatic heart disease (RHD). RHD Action was formed by the World Heart Federation and RhEACH, with demonstration projects led by Case Western University in Uganda and Touch Foundation in Tanzania with the leadership and support of Medtronic Foundation.
RHD Action has developed a Priorities Pyramid representing the key areas of focus for the RHD Action founding partners and demonstration projects. We are looking to fund projects such as an educational, awareness-raising or advocacy event designed to achieve one or more of the objectives in the Priorities Pyramid. An amount of US$2,500 is available to fund each successful application.
The projects should support one of the following areas in the RHD Action Priorities Pyramid:
- People and Communities
- Medicines and Technologies
- Systems and Services
Project Time Line:
Call for Proposals: 25 July 2018
Deadline for Submission: 31 Aug 2018
Award Notices: No later than 30 Sept 2018
Project Duration:
Start date within 30 days of award notification.
End date no more than six months from start date as determined in signed Grant Agreement.
Final Project Report Due to RHD Action within 30 days of project end date.
Please see the RFP and Guidelines and Application Form for detailed information about application requirements.
For more information, please email your queries to grants@rhdaction.org
*We regret that we can only accept applications in English at this time.