New updates planned for TIPs – Seeking Chapter Reviewers

RHD Action are updating our Tools for Implementing RHD Control Programs (TIPs) resource. TIPs was first published in 2014 and provides a framework for program managers and RHD program staff to develop control programs. TIPs has now be used worldwide to help structure decisions about program design and care delivery. This new update will focus on linking TIPs to new resources – including the RHD Action Needs Assessment Tool, Priorities Pyramid and New technical content, graphics and links will be included. We are excited about refreshing this resource as part of our ongoing work to identify and disseminate best practice in RHD control.
The existing resource and list of chapters is available online here.
We are seeking expressions of interest for chapter reviewers for TIPs 2.0. Reviews may be technical experts in particular topics or experienced implementers. The review window will be two weeks at the beginning of February 2018. We would like to hear from anyone who may have availability to contribute during that time. A final decision on the review panel will be made in mid January 2018. If you are interested or would like to find out more about the project you can contact us directly.