RHD Action Launch Second Round of 2019 Small Grants with Focus on Community-Primary Health Worker Training

We are very pleased to launch the second round of our Small Grants Programme for 2019 with this request for proposal. RHD Action are looking for small innovative projects with well-defined outcomes and timelines. Four awards of US$2,500 each will be made available to fund successful applications.
Following the WHO World Health Assembly RF/RHD Resolution in 2018, the second round of RHD Action Small Grants for this year has a focus on implementing the World Health Assembly RHD Resolution by supporting Community-Primary Health Worker Training projects. This request for proposals is soliciting projects that aim to improve access to primary health care, including through investing in a community and primary health care workforce trained in prevention, diagnosis and evidence-based management of group A streptococcal pharyngitis, acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease with its potential complications.
- Funded project activities must take place in low- and middle-income countries as defined by the World Bank.
- Funding is not available for international air travel and/or accommodation.
- RHD Action partners are not eligible to apply.
- Applications must be submitted in English. We currently do not have the capacity to translate applications in languages other than English.
- Individuals are not eligible to apply.
Selection criteria:
- The applicant must clearly state the intended impact of their specific proposal. Depending on the nature of the project, impact may be measured by numbers of new people involved in RHD health services delivery capacity-building activities, number of people included in or benefitting from the activities, local media coverage, etc.
- Clear, focused, measurable objectives that can be achieved in the short-term with a clear timeline.
- Sustainability of the impact evidenced by viable opportunities to use the activity for future build-on activities including potential collaboration with local Ministries of Health/Health Districts to strengthen or scale RHD programmes.
- Plans for publicity and dissemination.
- Capacity to approach and/or include local, regional or national Ministry of Health (MOH) representative(s) in the activity or event.
Funding is US$2,500 per project. A signed Grant Agreement will be required before award funding is wired to the recipient organisation.
Deliverables for projects:
• Short narrative report (template provided) no later than three months after project initiation.
• Short narrative and financial report (template provided) no later than one month after project completion.
• No more than ten high-quality photos, videos or other electronic images with caption information suitable for press releases and/or electronic media.
• Press coverage
• Meeting agendas, copies of training/educational materials
Please note the additional information provided in the Application and RFP Guidelines on how to proceed.
We are looking forward to numerous and innovative proposals from across the globe!